新神戸駅バスターミナルマップ Highway Bus Terminal Map of Shin-Kobe Sta

West JR Bus and other Bus Companies offer Highway bus services from JR Shin-Kobe Station (on JR Shinkansen) to Awa and Awaji Island through the SanNoMiya Sta in Kobe. It will take approximately two hours between Shin-Kobe and Awa, through the Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge and Naruo Ohashi Bridge with dynamic ocean views of Akashi and Naruto Straits in Japan.


JR四国は12/1から厄除けで有名な薬王寺(醫王山無量寿院「薬王寺」The IohZan MuryoJuIn “Yakuohji” temple in Hiwasa Awa, 徳島県海部郡美波町)の最寄り駅である日和佐(Hiwasa)駅まで、発駅から特急列車の自由席を往復利用できる「薬王寺初詣きっぷ」の発売を開始した。利用期間は大晦日の2015年12/31から2016年1/16まで。

Map & Direction to the Wave House Sentosa in Singapore

Wave House Sentosa is located on the hippest beachfront in Singapore, Siloso Beach in Sentosa (36 Siloso Beach Walk, Sentosa
Main Line: +65 6377 3113)

“Drive & Park” Turn onto Sentosa Gateway from the main island, keep right when you reach a fork in the road and you will reach Sentosa Gantry; past the gantry, take a right turn onto the 2nd exit at the roundabout onto Artillery Avenue. Follow the road, turn left onto Beach View. Continue along this road and you will reach the Beach Car Park on your right. There are 600 parking lots available.

“Taxi” Follow the directions above and head toward the taxi stand located at the Beach Station.