成田伝統芸能まつり The Narita Performance Art Fest 2015 阿波おどり

The Narita Performance Art Fest 2015 (Narita Traditional Performance Art Festival) AwaOdori Live was held for 2days at the newly opened Narita Skytown Hall and on the front approach to the “Naritasan Shinshoji” Temple in Narita, Chiba Japan.

More photos of the “NPAF2015” will be available on the site. Check out our update info at @AwaOdoriSNS via Twitter or this site. All photos are copyrighted material and all rights are reserved by AwaOdoriSNS.com & related companies.

AwaOdori 2015 Grand Finale 総おどり 2015

Many number of the AwaOdori Shamisen Players entering into the Minami-Uchimachi Embujo at the AwaOdori 2015 Grand Finale “SohOdori” in Awa Japan RT uvride

Chay「人生初徳島充実出来ました♪ とても素敵なところ。また来れますように(^ ^) 」

via twitter 人生初徳島充実出来ました♪ とても素敵なところ。また来れますように(^ ^) RT @chaychay1023

Chay a Japanese Singer Songer Writer performed at the ESW2015 an Annual Summer Music Festival held in Wajiki Awa Japan during AwaOdori Days

フジテレビ生野陽子アナが阿波おどりを披露♪本場阿波から生中継 阿波おどり2015

Yoko Shono a Japanese announcer of the Fuji Television is getting ready to perform “OnNa Odori” with The TENSUI-REN at the Minami-Uchimachi Embujo, AwaOdori 2015. The performance was live broadcasted on the Fuji TV News from Awa Japan (Fuji Television “MinNaNo News”)