本場阿波とくしま「2015阿波おどり」開幕! AwaOdori 2015 街は踊りの渦となる

The “Tokcy” An AwaOdori Mascot of the Tokushima city is dancing with The “TENSUI-REN” at the opening ceremony of AwaOdori 2015 in Awa Japan RT tokcy_official

白石みき「さぁ準備完了! 今年も男踊りです」

via Twitter さぁ準備完了! 今年も男踊りです RT @min_shiraishi

Miki Shiraishi performing Otoko Odori with the Shinbashi-Ren at the Minami-Uchimachi Embujo, AwaOdori 2015 in Awa Japan

2015 阿波おどり前夜祭 The AwaOdori Festival Eve at the Asty Tokushima

AwaOdori Dancers of the AwaOdori Shinko Kyokai & AwaOdori Organization of the Tokushima Pref performing together on the stage at the AwaOdori 2015 Festival Eve held at the Asty Tokuhima in Awa Japan