阿波おどり AwaOdori 2022

2022年「阿波おどり」は、新型コロナウィルス感染防止策のもと、8月12日から15日の期間中、通常より縮小規模で開催の予定。(主催: 阿波おどり未来へつなぐ実行委員会)
会場: 前夜祭(8/11 アスティとくしま), 選抜阿波おどり(あわぎんホール), 有料演舞場 (藍場浜・南内町), 無料演舞場 (両国本町・新町橋), おどり広場等 (新町橋東・両国橋南・アミコドーム・シビックセンター)

Rakuten Fashion Week Tokyo 2021AW in Shibuya Tokyo

Rakuten Fashion Week Tokyo 2021AW takes place from Monday 15 March to Saturday 20 March 2021 in Shibuya Tokyo. It is time for designers to show their Autumn/Winter 2021 collections. But because of the COVID-19 health crisis, the event will adapt to the health measures.

Rakuten Fashion Week Tokyo 2021SS in Shibuya Tokyo

Rakuten Fashion Week Tokyo 2021SS takes place from Monday 12 October to Saturday 17 October 2020 in Shibuya Tokyo. It is time for designers to show their Spring/Summer 2021 collections. But because of the COVID-19 health crisis, the event will adapt to the health measures.

はなはるフェスタ2019 阿波おどり

4/20 10:00-21:00, 4/21 10:00-17:00 HanaHaru Fest 2019 AwaOdori in Spring will take place on 20-21 April 2019 at the AibaHama Park, AwaGin Hall, and other related event area, Awa Japan.
AwaOdori in Spring Live at the AibaHama Embujo (Sajiki): 4/20 10:30-12:06. 13:30-15:06 4/21 10:30-12:06, 13:30-15:06,
AwaOdori in Spring on the stage at Awagin Hall: 4/20, 10:30-11:54, 13:30-15:06 4/21 10:30-11:54, 13:30-15:06 For more detail about AwaOdori Spring Live, please see timetable and schedule of AwaOdori Spring Live 2019 at Aibahama and AwaGin Hall.
Free tickets of AwaOdori in Spring on the stage at Awagin Hall will be distributed and may become available 30 minutes prior to each AwaOdori Live performances on the day at the entrances of AwaGin Hall in Awa.