2018 エキサイティングサマー in WAJIKI

阿波おどり開催期間中の恒例ミュージックイベント”The Exciting Summer in Wajiki 2018″ 入場無料 8/13 開場11:30 開演13:00 大塚製薬ワジキ工場 野外ステージ (徳島県那賀郡那賀町小仁宇字大坪)

出演予定アーティスト: 家入レオ, チームしゃちほこ, DISH//, POLU他。
An Annual Summer Music Festival held in Wajiki鷲敷, Awa Japan 古来より西の高野と称される名刹太龍寺山の麓、大自然の中で開催される屋外ミュージックフェスティバル

熱演!真昼の阿波おどり 2018 NHK徳島

The Daytime AwaOdori is held at the NHK Tokushima on 13-15 August 2018 in Awa Japan.
Free Priority tickets will be distributed and may become available at 11:00am prior to each AwaOdori Live performances on the day at the North Entrances of NHK Tokushima Broadcasting Station.
More information on timetable and schedule will be updated on the site once it has been available.
Timetable & Schedule PDF of the Daytime AwaOdori 2017 at NHK Tokushima in Awa.?Free Priority tickets will be distributed and may become available at 10:30am prior to each AwaOdori Live performances on the day at the North Entrances of NHK Tokushima Broadcasting Station.

はなはるフェスタ2018 阿波おどり

4/21 10:00-21:00, 4/22 10:00-17:00 HanaHaru Fest 2018 AwaOdori in Spring will take place on 21-22 April 2018 in the AibaHama Park, AwaGin Hall, and other related event area, Awa Japan.
AwaOdori in Spring Live at the AibaHama Embujo (Sajiki): 4/21 10:30-12:04. 13:30-15:04 4/22 10:30-12:04, 13:30-15:16,
AwaOdori in Spring on the stage at Awagin Hall: 4/21, 10:30-12:04, 13:30-15:04 4/22 10:30-12:04, 13:30-15:16
Free tickets of AwaOdori in Spring on the stage at Awagin Hall will be distributed and may become available 30 minutes prior to each AwaOdori Live performances on the day at the entrances of AwaGin Hall in Awa.


11/3-5 秋の阿波おどり at アスティとくしま「多目的ホール」入場無料 (徳島県徳島市山城町東浜傍示1-1)
11/3-4 “阿波おどり大絵巻” (本場阿波有名連選抜による阿波おどり公演 両日各一日2回公演) 11/3 徳島県阿波踊り協会選抜 at 11:00-12:00/14:00-15:00, 11/4 阿波おどり振興協会選抜 at 11:00-12:00/14:00-15:00
11/5 阿波おどりコンテストat 10:00 (東新町アーケードat 13:30-15:00予定), 徳島県阿波おどり保存協会, 藍吹雪

The “AwaOdori DaiEmaki” Show will be held at AwaOdori in Fall 2017 at the Asty Tokushima on 03-04 November in Awa Japan (Two showtimes a day at 11:00/14:00 Asty Tokushima).