Mugi-Ohshima Island

The Mugi-Ohshima Island on the southern coast of Awa is known as
a great spot for surf fishing and diving site where colorful corals and various tropical fishes can be seen around island.

中華そば「いのたに」本店 Chuka Soba Inotani

The Inotani, a Chuka Soba Restaurant is the most famous “Tokushima Ramen” styled noodle restaurant in Awa Japan. The “Tokushima Ramen 徳島ラーメン” is named from a Chuka Soba (with a sweet and spicy brown soup with pork ribs and raw egg topping) of the Inotani which was introduced at the Shin-Yokohama Ramen Museum ft the Regional Ramens of Japan.
徳島県徳島市西大工町4丁目25 4-25 Nishi-Daikumachi, Toksuhima


Map & Direction from AwaOdori Airport to AibaHama Park in Awa, Japan. (15km, It takes about 25min by Taxi and Car, 30min by Bus) 約15km タクシー(約25分)空港からJR徳島駅まで運賃:3,750円程度。 – 公共交通 – リムジンバス (約30分): 「空港」から「徳島駅前」まで。運賃:片道430円。 バスのりば・・・1番のりば 路線バス(約35分): 「空港」から「徳島駅前」まで。運賃:片道430円。 バスのりば・・・2番のりば「鳴門公園線・徳島駅前行」(徳島駅バスターミナルより徒歩圏内)