師走のイルミネーション点灯式ラッシュに沸く東京渋谷・ハチ公前広場で「Shibuya Illumination 2016」(渋谷イルミネーション)点灯式が開催され、約8メートルのクリスマスツリーと周辺樹木にGreen AppleをFeaturingしたLEDイルミネーションが灯った。渋谷ハチ公イルミネーション点灯期間は12/9から12/25まで(点灯時間:16:00-24:00。主催:道玄坂商店街振興組合)
The Shibuya Hachiko Illumination 2016 lighted up with Green Apple colored LED lights at Shibuya Hachiko Square, the most famous meeting spot of Tokyo, Japan. (Shibuya Hachiko Illumination 2016 Schedule & Hours: 09-25 DEC 2016, 16:00-24:00) K.Onishi the chairman of Dogenzaka Shopping District Org, K.Hasebe the Mayor of Shibuya, J.Kaneyama the chairman of Shibuya Tourism association, T.Ito a basketball player of Shibuya SunRockers and a Shibuya performace ambassador joined the Illumination Ceremony of Shibuya Illumination 2016 held at the Hachiko Square in Shibuya Tokyo.
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