秋田町おどりロード Akita-Machi Odori Road

阿波おどり2018より新設予定の秋田町おどりロード Akita-Machi Odori Road。徳島市の歓楽街・秋田町に約90メートル区間の踊りエリアと無料見物エリアを設け、運営は秋田町おどりロード事務局が行う(阿波おどり事業計画案) “Akita-Machi Odori Road” the new AwaOdori free dance road will open on the street in the Akita-Machi entertainment district of Tokushima city on 12-15 August 2018 in Awa.

第48回初台阿波おどり2017 Hatsudai AwaOdori in Shibuya Tokyo

Ken Hasebe, the ward mayor of Shibuya in traditional AwaOdori Yukata Look makes opening speech in heavy rain at the opening ceremony of Hatsudai AwaOdori 2017 in Shibuya Tokyo 第48回初台阿波おどり2017 (主催:初台商盛会, 後援:渋谷区、毎年代々木八幡宮の例大祭に合わせ、東京渋谷区初台地区で開催される阿波おどり)
More photos of Hatsudai AwaOdori 2017 will be available on the site. Check out our update info at @AwaOdoriSNS via Twitter or this site. All photos are copyrighted material and all rights are reserved by AwaOdoriSNS.com & related companies.

成田伝統芸能まつり Narita Performance Art Fest 2017 阿波おどり

The Narita Traditional Performance Art Fest 2017 will be held on 16-17 September 2017 at NaritaSan Shinshoji Temple OmoteSando, SomonGate stage, and Narita Skytown Hall in Narita, Chiba Japan Timetable?& Schedule PDF

AwaOdori Dancers of the Uzuki-Ren Performing on the Street at AwaOdori 2017

AwaOdori Dancers of the Uzuki-Ren performing on the street at AwaOdori 2017 in Awa RT yk_ch