「にわか連」集合場所 Meeting Spots of the Niwaka-Ren

8/12-15?4?????2??? (???? 19:00, 21:00)??????????? ??????????? ??????????(?????????)???:????-???????, ????????:?????-?????? (?????2019 ???????) The “Niwaka-Ren”, official AwaOdori Free dance units open to all visitors for free and no dress code, which is generally called twice a day during AwaOdori Days (at 19:00, 21:00 on 12-15 August 2019) at the following meeting spots in Awa Japan; AwaGin Fureai Square (formerly known as the Tokushima Cityhall Shimin Square) ??????????(?????????) and Motomachi Odori Square1 ???????.