4/16,17 “????????2016” ????? ???? (????10:00, ????13:00????????????) ?????(??????, ???????????), ???????(?????????)
Timetable of the “HanaHaru Festa 2016” AwaOdori Spring Live held in the AibaHama Park and AwaGin Hall, Awa Japan.
??????????? ??12:00,14:00????????????????During the HanHaru Festival 2016, Special AwaOdori shows are scheduled at the AwaOdori Kaikan Hall (4/16 at 12:00 Nonki-Ren 14:00 SASA-Ren, 4/17 at 12:00 Miyako-Ren 14:00 Honma-Ren)
Map & Direction from the AwaOdori Airport to the AibaHama Park