春香クリスティーン「徳島なう!最高です‼︎ 」

via twitter 春香クリスティーン@harukachristine

January 19, 2014

魅せた阿呆魂っ! Exile USA まさに踊る阿呆♪♪ 「同じ阿呆なら踊りゃな損々っ♪」 Tokyo Dome 2014

「同じ阿呆なら踊りゃな損々っ♪♪」 Exile USA 阿波おどり! “江戸っ子連” (本場阿波「阿呆連」の姉妹連)の弓張提灯を振りかざし, 阿呆連の男踊りで知られる「暴れ踊り」を披露! 「阿波の阿の字は 阿呆の阿の字」

Exile USA 東京ドーム「ふるさと祭り2014」 最終日、阿波おどりに登場!

大人気! アッキーナ 豪快な渦潮で知られる阿波鳴門「阿波おどり」演舞場でトークショー

Akina Minami, aka Akkyna talks about Naruto at Awa-Naruto AwaOdori 2013 in Naruto Awa, Japan. A Japanese Omatsuri Star Girl dressed in very impressive Summer Kimono “Yukata” featuring Goldfish tonight for a special AwaOdori talkshow which was held at the famous sea resort town, Naruto.
Notably, She joined Japan Summer AwaOdori Fest for two years in a row as a guest for AwaOdori in Awa-Tokushima 2012 and Awa-Naruto 2013, and she has left her name in AwaOdori history. In 2012, she joined AwaOdori 2012 as a Female AwaOdori dancer with the Gojahey x Nisshin Donbei-Ren, this year she joined Naruto AwaOdori 2013 as a talk show guest for Awa-Naruto x Japan Manga “Naruto” Shippuden which was held in Naruto city of Awa. She really got a very rare chance to join both Awa-Tokushima and Naruto AwaOdori in four hundred years of AwaOdori history.