AwaOdori 2018 SoOdori on the Ryogokubashi Street was featured in a Japanese TV Show “Miyaneya” hosted by Seiji Miyane (Yomiuri Telecasting Corp. NNN) with Live from Awa-Tokushima in Japan. 情報ライブ「ミヤネ屋」 阿波おどり2018 総おどり特番 阿波徳島からLive中継 阿波おどり振興協会理事長生出演 8/14 OA
Category Archives: awa-tokushima
西日本豪雨災害 阿波おどり チャリティー公演 2018
阿波おどり振興協会 「西日本豪雨災害 阿波おどり チャリティー公演」 at あわぎんホール 入場無料(全席指定 要:往復はがきでの抽選申込, 8/31までの消印有効) 1. 12:00開場 13:00開演, 2. 14:00開場 15:00開演
The AwaOdori Shows on stage at the AwaGin Hall (1. Open 12:00 Start 13:00, 2. Open 14:00 Start 15:00) are reserved seating only. Applications for free tickets to the shows at AwaGin Hall should be made via a reply‐paid postcard which is postmarked on or before 31 August 2018.
The AwaOdori Shows on stage at the AwaGin Hall (1. Open 12:00 Start 13:00, 2. Open 14:00 Start 15:00) are reserved seating only. Applications for free tickets to the shows at AwaGin Hall should be made via a reply‐paid postcard which is postmarked on or before 31 August 2018.
AwaOdori 2018 SoOdori will be held again for a charity drive for people in flood-affected areas in western Japan on 24 September 2018.
総おどり in 藍場浜公園 (16:30開始予定(雨天中止) The SoOdori (Start: 16:30) in the Aibahama Park is for free. No registration required for SoOdori. (主催:阿波おどり振興協会)
総おどり in 藍場浜公園 (16:30開始予定(雨天中止) The SoOdori (Start: 16:30) in the Aibahama Park is for free. No registration required for SoOdori. (主催:阿波おどり振興協会)
Awa-Naruto AwaOdori 2018 takes place on 09-11 August in Naruto Awa Japan.
阿波おどり2018 阿波おどり演舞場 有名連出演表(張付表)
Daily Timetables & Schedules of AwaOdori 2018 at the “Aibahama Embujo”, “Minami-UchiMachi Embujo”, “KonyaMachi Embujo”, and “Shiyakusho-Mae Embujo” scheduled on 12-15 August in Awa Japan