Japanese Culture, Music, Art, Matsuri Festivals and more…
真夏の祭典! 400年以上続く日本最大級の夏祭り、本場阿波国 (あわのくに, 令制においては南海道の阿波。阿州ともいわれる。江戸時代の阿波藩は阿波国・現在四国の徳島県および淡路国・現兵庫県淡路島も含む領国) 「阿波おどり」は、毎年8月12日から15日までの4日間開催。 今や東京はじめ日本で大人気の阿波おどりは全国各地の夏祭りや国内外の様々なイベント・コラボレートショー・エキシビジョンなどでも踊られています。 AwaOdori is the biggest summer Matsuri festival in Japan, a huge city-wide dance party held in Awa. It is also the most famous traditional Japanese dance and music. Meaning of AwaOdori, AwaOdori originally means ”Awa No Bon Odori\\\" based on a Japanese Buddhist celebration & custom related to the Ullambana aka Obon/Bon and annual dance festival held in the Awa region (present-day Tokushima Prefecture on Shikoku in Japan) during Obon (Aug 12-15) in Summer.
AwaOdori Dancers of the AwaOdori Shinko Kyokai & AwaOdori Organization of the Tokushima Pref performing together on the stage at the AwaOdori 2015 Festival Eve held at the Asty Tokuhima in Awa Japan