Amazon Fashion Week Tokyo 2019AW in Shibuya Tokyo

東京渋谷で国内最大のファッションイベント「Amazon Fashion Week TOKYO 2019A/W」が開幕。渋谷ヒカリエを中心に各会場で2019年秋冬Runway Show・展示会等が6日間の日程で開催される。
Amazon Fashion Week Tokyo for Autumn/Winter 2019, the six-day fashion event featuring both runway shows and showroom presentations; most of the shows were held at the official venue, Shibuya Hikarie in Tokyo Japan. (主催:一般社団法人JFW推進機構)
Models on final walk on the runway at Fukushima Pride by Junko Koshino 2019AW Fashion Show which was held on the opening day of Amazon Fashion Week Tokyo 2019AW at Omotesando Hills in Shibuya Tokyo Japan.
More photos of the “AFWT2019AW” will be available on the site. Check out our update info at @AwaOdoriSNS via Twitter or this site. All photos are copyrighted material and all rights are reserved by & related companies.

第13回渋谷音楽祭 Shibuya Music Scramble 2018

今年より名称変更し第13回目となる東京渋谷秋恒例のミュージックイベント「渋谷音楽祭」(主催:渋谷音楽祭実行委員会)が開催され、午後から交通規制を実施して行われた第2日目の渋谷は、様々なジャンルのストリートLiveが街角で繰り広げられ、終日多くの見物人・外国人観光客で賑わいをみせた。The Shibuya Music Scramble 2018 featuring Music Live Performances on the streets of Shibuya was held for two days in Shibuya Tokyo.
また、東急文化村通りではShibuya Fashion Weekとのコラボ企画ストリートランウェイ(Shibuya Fashion Week “Shibuya Runway” Fashion Show)なども開催され渋谷の街を彩った。
More photos of the “SMS2018” will be available on the site. Check out our update info at @AwaOdoriSNS via Twitter or this site. All photos are copyrighted material and all rights are reserved by & related companies.

第49回初台阿波おどり2018 Hatsudai AwaOdori in Shibuya Tokyo

The Hatsudai AwaOdori 2018 was held on the Hatsudai shopping street in Hatsudai Shibuya Tokyo.
A Female AwaOdori Dancer starts performing OnNa Odori on the Hatsudai shopping street at Hatsudai AwaOdori 2018 Day1 in Hatsudai Shibuya Tokyo.

More photos of Hatsudai AwaOdori 2018 will be available on the site. Check out our update info at @AwaOdoriSNS via Twitter or this site. All photos are copyrighted material and all rights are reserved by & related companies.

暑く熱い阿波の夏が始まる♪ AwaOdori Dancers start performing at the opening day morning event of AwaOdori 2018

阿波おどり2018 早朝おどり AwaOdori Dancers start performing at the opening day morning event of AwaOdori 2018 in Awa Japan RT manacha_11