Japanese TV Show “Miyaneya” features AwaOdori 2018 SoDori on the Ryogokubashi St in Awa Japan

Japanese TV Show Miyaneya features AwaOdori 2018 SoDori on the Ryogokubashi St in Awa Japan 情報ライブ「ミヤネ屋」 阿波おどり2018 総おどり特番 阿波徳島からLive中継 阿波おどり振興協会理事長生出演 8/14 OA

AwaOdori 2018 SoOdori on the Ryogokubashi Street was featured in a Japanese TV Show “Miyaneya” hosted by Seiji Miyane (Yomiuri Telecasting Corp. NNN) with Live from Awa-Tokushima in Japan. 情報ライブ「ミヤネ屋」 阿波おどり2018 総おどり特番 阿波徳島からLive中継 阿波おどり振興協会理事長生出演 8/14 OA

第47回神楽坂まつり2018 阿波おどり

東京神楽坂(東京都新宿区神楽坂)で、夏の訪れを告げる「第47回神楽坂まつり2018 阿波おどり」(主催:神楽坂まつり実行委員会)が開催され、会場となった神楽坂毘沙門天善國寺を中心とする神楽坂下から赤城神社にかけての沿道は、足の踏み場もないほどの大勢の見物客で賑わい、盛り上がりをみせた The Kagurazaka Matsuri 2018 AwaOdori Festival was held on the Kagurazaka Slope in Kagurazaka Tokyo.
More photos of Kagurazaka AwaOdori 2018 will be available on the site. Check out our update info at @AwaOdoriSNS via Twitter or this site. All photos are copyrighted material and all rights are reserved by AwaOdoriSNS.com & related companies.

西日本豪雨災害 阿波おどり チャリティー公演 2018

阿波おどり振興協会 「西日本豪雨災害 阿波おどり チャリティー公演」 at あわぎんホール 入場無料(全席指定 要:往復はがきでの抽選申込, 8/31までの消印有効) 1. 12:00開場 13:00開演, 2. 14:00開場 15:00開演
The AwaOdori Shows on stage at the AwaGin Hall (1. Open 12:00 Start 13:00, 2. Open 14:00 Start 15:00) are reserved seating only. Applications for free tickets to the shows at AwaGin Hall should be made via a reply‐paid postcard which is postmarked on or before 31 August 2018.
AwaOdori 2018 SoOdori will be held again for a charity drive for people in flood-affected areas in western Japan on 24 September 2018.
総おどり in 藍場浜公園 (16:30開始予定(雨天中止) The SoOdori (Start: 16:30) in the Aibahama Park is for free. No registration required for SoOdori. (主催:阿波おどり振興協会)

Amazon Fashion Week Tokyo 2018AW in Shibuya Tokyo

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Amazon Fashion Week Tokyo for Autumn/Winter 2018, the six-day fashion event featuring both runway shows and showroom presentations; most of the shows were held at the official venue, Shibuya Hikarie in Tokyo Japan (主催:一般社団法人JFW推進機構)
A model walking on the runway at the Tiit Tokyo 2018AW Fashion Show which was held at Shibuya Hikarie on the opening day of Amazon FWT2018AW in Shibuya, Tokyo Japan
More photos of the “AFWT2018AW” will be available on the site. Check out our update info at @AwaOdoriSNS via Twitter or this site. All photos are copyrighted material and all rights are reserved by AwaOdoriSNS.com & related companies.
Timetable and Schedule PDF for Amazon Fashion Week Tokyo for Autumn/Winter